If you love veal but won't eat it because you
object to the way it's raised....
Or if you just love veal....
You've Got To Check Out Our "Rose Veal"
Our veal is humanely raised from birth with a Mama cow on pasture where it can play
and express itself as a baby calf should. The calf spends its whole life
being raised
on mothers milk
in the fresh air and sunshine out on the pasture. It has 24/7 access
to Mama's milk, and her diet is entirely grass-fed and certified organic as well. Being
slaughtered young, at a few months of age and only weighing about 100# in 'hanging'
weight, it will be superbly tender like the "other" veal, in spite of its active and
playful lifestyle. Not being confined and fed an artificial diet of anemic milk replacer,
the meat will have a "rose" color to it instead of the conventional pale color.
The exercise, mother's milk and grass fed diet produces a meat that is rich in iron
and other minerals, lean, and delicious.

You get the fullest possible benefits of organic and grass-fed in your veal this way
without any of the guilt!

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