Here is the Mama Kitty
someone dumped off on us
last spring. She soon gave
birth to four kitties, two of
them are shown below. She
appears to have psychological
problems from previous
starvation. She is not feral,
she was a pet of some sort
before she was dropped off
here. Her two kitties below are
also fairly tame. All need
homes of course. Her other
two have not been seen for a
few weeks now.
It looks like most of her
kitties survived the winter
as I've seen some of them
now and then. She had 1
more litter and is now
SPAYED ! Thanks for your
generous donations that
accomplished this !

This is Frick and Frack. I
never can remember which
is which. It doesn't seem to
matter, they come
running even if I don't
call them.

Okay, I know it's a
chicken. She doesn't seem
to know she's a chicken.
She thinks she's a cat,
too. And she rules the
roost, the cat roost that is.
Pics of the barn cats are very difficult to get. Once I spot the cat
I usually see it's back side headed the other way in the next blink.
As soon as I can get any I'll post them here.